Friday, October 14, 2011

Legend of the Phoenix

A new superhero has joined the ranks of Batman and Superman..."Phoenix Jones".  "Phoenix Jones", a self-proclaimed superhero, "rises from the ashes" to patrol the streets in Seattle with his crew.

He actually goes into a comic book store to change into his crime fighting suit...too funny! Phoenix Jones, like most superheros, has a sidekick, Ghost. Jones, Ghost and the crew may or may not be taking the law into their hands, but they surely risk their lives. It's inevitable that the people he "protects" eventually turn on him. No good deed goes unpunished.

Phoenix Jones, whose real name is Benjamin John Francis Fodor, was arrested on October 6, 2011 and charged with assault. In court, earlier this week, he was asked to remove his mask. Now that he is unmasked, his family is in danger of retaliation from the criminal element he fights.

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The crew has been "fighting crime" in Seattle since last year, but it appears they need to work on strategy and technique.

Phoenix Jones may have an overactive imagination, but his intentions are honorable. Although, I'm not sure how I would react to someone dressed in a black and gold superhero suit late at night. Dressed as they are, they could very well be mistaken for criminals themselves.

While it does seem quite crazy to go out into the streets trying to change the world in a bulletproof superhero suit, you must give him credit for attempting to do something about crime.

Note: The legend of the phoenix has been around for centuries with some variations. The supernatural Phoenix lives for 1000 years and then it builds its own funeral pyre and throws itself in the flames. Once it dies, it rises from the ashes and is born anew to live for another 1000 years.

Until Monday,


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