It's that time of the year when families visit corn mazes, pumpkin patches, and search the stores for costumes for the little ones. A family in Massachusetts visited a corn maze and...well, they got lost and called 911.
Isn't the point of a maze to get lost and find your way out? LOL...there were sign posts with clues (not shown in this video). But I can imagine it became difficult navigating the corn maze dealing with cranky kids. It probably wasn't such a good idea to take a 3-week old infant and another small child to a corn maze.
When a Canine Officer and his dog found them, they were 25 feet from the road.....a road with traffic. Why, you might ask, wouldn't they listen for traffic and start walking in that direction, through the corn, if necessary.
Too funny that they were "lost" 25 feet from a busy road. Maybe it was the "asking directions" issue men have that caused them to get lost. You know it's true. Men will drive around for 30 minutes, wasting fuel before they ask for directions. If you noticed, it wasn't the husband who asked for help, it was his wife, but he obviously took the phone at some point because it is his voice that calls out.
Ok, I'm getting on men a bit, but they know it's true...they refuse to ask for directions. They're strange, but we love them anyway.
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