Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Time Warner Cable - No Compassion

Julia Nelson, 67, died at her desk while working at Time Warner Cable in Garfield Heights, Ohio eight days ago. A co-worker started CPR, but a supervisor told her to stop and get back to work. Ms. Nelson was not breathing as they waited for paramedics to arrive.

The supervisor had little compassion for Ms. Nelson as she lay dying at her desk. So little, that she prevented someone else from giving assistance. There was a heart defibrillator a few feet away, but it was of no use because of the locked door. I cannot imagine the reason for locking the door to the First Aid room, and having only one key. There is just so excuse for this!

Ms. Nelson's family is outraged and rightly so. I'm outraged that they just let her lay there on her desk until paramedics arrived. It's common knowledge that there is a Good Samaritan law. Personally, it wouldn't matter whether there was a law or not, I would give someone in need CPR. However, I am not blaming the co-worker.

I sincerely hope the family brings a civil suit against the supervisor. Ms. Nelson may have died even with CPR, but now we will never know because the co-worker did not continue this life saving technique.

Note to TWC - Ohio: Terminate the supervisor. Promote the co-worker who started CPR to supervisor. She certainly has good decision making skills, leadership skills and she is able to keep her cool under pressure.



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