Friday, November 4, 2011

Car Stuck on Train Tracks

It's 2:10 a.m. on last Saturday morning in New Haven, Missouri. Justin Gevers, an off-duty police officer, saw a car stuck on some train tracks. He called an on-duty officer, Ron Kuhlmann, for assistance. They approach the car and speak to the driver, a 31 year old woman.

The officers are able to get the woman and her passenger to safety and try to alert the train dispatch to stop the train. But before the railroad dispatch can relay the information to the train, it approaches. Officer Kuhlmann uses his flashlight to signal the train, but it can't stop in time.

The passenger in the car is the woman's one-month-old son. She says she turned too soon and ended up on the tracks. Sorry, that excuse might work if she is driving do have lights for night driving.

A reasonable person stuck on the tracks would get out of the car. So why was she just sitting in the car on the tracks with her infant son? Well, in the car, is an open can of beer and she fails the field sobriety test. Ok, so she was driving blind...LOL

She endangered the life of her child and other innocent people driving under the influence. Her child should be removed from her care. She should not be allowed to see him, unsupervised, until she completes an alcohol treatment program and is no longer drinking.

I'm curious about something. The latest census indicates the population of New Haven is about 2,051. So where was Officer Gevers, and where was the woman going to or coming from at 2:10 a.m. on Saturday morning?


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